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Hajj is all about staying in ‘Arafat’ on the 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah and performs Hajj in Ihram and offer Tawaf to Allah. As Hajj is performed once in a lifetime, the intention behind every prayer should be sincere. The intention should define their sacred duty and seek pleasure of Allah & His beloved Prophet Sallalaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. One shouldn’t carry any hidden motives as Allah judges everything. As reported in Bukhari, the Holy Prophet Sallalaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “Verily actions are judged according to intentions and every man is granted what he intends.”

The sole intention should be to gain Allah’s pleasure and fulfil his obligation. Quoting The Holy Prophet Sallalaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam: “There will come a time when the aristocrats amongst my followers will perform Hajj merely for pleasure; and the middle class for trade; and the scholars for show and fame; and the poorer class for the sake of begging.”

We can only ask Allah, the Most Merciful, to make us a sincere and pious Muslim, and protect us from hypocrisy.

Learning of Manaasik

It is a must to study the Manaasik of Hajj before performing it. One must learn Manaasik under the guidance of a Sunni `Aalim, memorise the Talbiyah and all other important Du`aa. If a person is negligent in learning these Manaasik, he/she when they reach there, they realise that they do not know anything, they turn either to their Mu`allim or their friends, who themselves are unaware about the exact learning of the Manaasik.

Expediting Hajj

As soon as one becomes financially sound and physically fit, Hajj becomes compulsory for him/her. It is compulsory to perform Hajj in the same year one become capable of it. It is considered to be a sin if delayed. If delayed for years, one becomes Faasiq. No reasons are accepted for such a delay. However, if he performs Hajj, it is considered as Adaa and not Qadhaa.

Fulfilment of obligations

Before going to Hajj, one has to fulfil all human obligations. Pay off the debt or at least take the permission for delay in payment. In case the creditor has passed away, pay off the debt to his/her heirs. If neither of them is found, then give that amount in charity. If someone has kept anything under his trust, he must return the same to its owner or make arrangements for them to be looked after in his absence. If one has violated some rights, he should apologise with an open heart & ask for forgiveness. In Hadith it is said that, if a Muslim comes to his brother to ask for forgiveness, it is important for that the person to forgive him. If he doesn’t, he is not allowed to visit Ĥaudh-e-Kauthar. If such a person has any kind of obligation towards Allah, he must fulfil them. He must commit to not repeat such mistakes.

 Sincere repentance

One needs to repent genuinely. He must ask Allah to forgive all his past sins and transgressions. Regret all your bad deeds with utmost sincerity. Take a firm resolution to refrain from repeating the sins. Regret with all your heart and promise Allah not to repeat any kind of bad deeds. As Allah is all forgiving & ever accepting, he may forgive you, irrespective of your sins.

Funds for Hajj

 According to the Sharee`at, Hajj should be performed with wealth that is acquired lawfully; otherwise it is not accepted by Allah. The person’s Fardh of performing Hajj will be fulfilled. But Allah would only accept that which is pure & clean. One can borrow funds for Hajj and later repay from his earnings. He has to make proper arrangements for the maintenance of those he is responsible for i.e. his wife, children & all dependents till the time he is back from Hajj.


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