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What is the procedure for entering the Iĥraam?
If you are taking the holy journey of Hajj for the first time, then this will give you the correct procedure to enter Ihraam.
It is considered that before putting on the Ihraam, one should use Miswaak and have bath; it is sunnah. But if that is not possible then Wudhoo will suffice. Hazrat Zaid Bin Thaabit narrated that, Holy Prophet (SAWS) had taken bath before entering the Ihraam. This applies to children and women in state of offering Salaat too.
It is compulsory to remove hair from the pubic area, armpits and cut nails before taking the bath. Men should also consider trimming their hair before Ihraam. Men’s Ihraam has two pieces of cloth. It should be white and new. One cloth is for the lower portion of the body (covering waist to above ankles) and other to cover the upper part of the body. Besides these two clothes, no other garments should be worn. The footwear needs to be in such a way that the centre bones of the upper part of the feet should be left uncovered.
Women on other side should put on their normal clothes, with their heads been covered fully. It becomes Waajib to cover their faces if they fear Fitnah. This entire thing should be done in a perfect manner that the covering doesn’t touch the face.
Men cannot wear socks or hand gloves, however women are free to do so. It is Sunnah for men to use perfume on their body and on the Ihraam cloth before putting it on. But one should be careful, they should be no trace or colour of perfume on the clothes. It is against the Sunnah to make Idhţibaa` at this stage. After one has put the Ihraam, reached the airport & completed all the formalities, if it is not a Makrooh time, then one should offer two Rak`aat Sunnat-e-Iĥraam.
During Salaat, men are supposed to cover their heads with Ihraam sheets. It is Mustaĥab to recite Soorh Kaafiroon in first Rak`at and Soorh Ikhlaaŝ in second Rak`at. After the Ŝalaat men should uncover their heads.
Note: A woman who is not in the state to perform Ŝalaat, need not offer it. She should perform Ghusl, put on her normal clothes, which will serve as her Iĥraam.