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Those who MUST perform HAJJ

There is always that one thing in life that inspires us to work hard enough to achieve it. Sometimes it is materialistic, but most of the times we crave to reach a particular place to experience something supreme. For Muslim’s, performing Hajj is what matters most. It is obligatory to perform Hajj at least once in a lifetime.
When he/she is accountable, free, and financially secure to afford Makkah, one should go take this pilgrim. There are a few conditions which make a Muslim obligated to perform Hajj. They are:
Only Muslim:
One has to be a Muslim (in totality) to be eligible to perform Hajj
It is considered that, a child who is at the age of Tamyiz, can perform Hajj; only after getting the permission from his guardian. He is required to perform all the actions by himself. Though, a non pubescent child is under no obligation to complete Hajj – even if he does, it is considered to be reward-able.
Tamyiz – it is an age where child clearly understands all the instructions given to him.
An insane person is under no obligation to perform Hajj.
A slave is under no obligation to perform Hajj.
No Debts:
A Muslim person can perform Hajj only if he is debt free and is wealthy enough to reach Makkah and return to his home town. He has to look at every minute detail at the pilgrim. Even if he is taking his family along, he should be ‘able’ to afford every expense for them as well.
Hajj for Women:
A Muslim woman is obliged to perform Hajj. She can perform Hajj only if there is a man to accompany her – her husband, father, brother or a mahram. She can also go with a trustworthy woman. But under any circumstances if she is unable to find anyone, she is permitted to go alone. A woman after puberty cannot travel alone to Hajj- a mahram needs to accompany her. If this statute is not followed, the action is not rewardable and it is considered sinful.
Physical Fitness:
A person who is physically unfit, because of any kind of sickness or old age is under no obligation to leave his house and go Makkah. The person should find someone to perform Hajj on his behalf. He should be able to afford all the expenses of the person he is sending on his behalf; also the person who is going to Hajj should have already performed his obligatory Hajj. Only then will he be eligible to perform Hajj for someone else.
For more details on Hajj with Al Khalid call 02223011111