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Make an Umrah trip possible in full gear!

Many of our brothers and sisters in Islam may wonder the best time to attend Umrah. While considering the ideal period for the same a number of tips and advices would enlighten you further in your decision making process.

A few things must be considered while journeying long distances especially for something as crucial as Umrah. As per the laws in Saudi Arabia, the individual who wishes to perform Umrah must book their tickets and hotels and other registration must be made in advance with their Umrah agents from their local countries. The rule in Saudi Arabia forbids a pilgrim to arrive for Umrah without an agent.

Also, when on pilgrimage it would be a thorough inconvenience for a pilgrim to go food and hotel hunting and booking. Umrah and Hajj must be performed with full concentration and devotion to Allah.

It is essential that one does their homework of the place and the pilgrimage before they set foot in the holy land. There are number of books available online that guide a beginner on this path and prepare them for this pilgrimage. Clothing, prayers, families and a number of things have to be taken care of.

It is advisable to travel in groups. There are restrictions for women traveling without a Mahram unless she has crossed a certain age. However, for men they can travel alone. When traveling with a group, they must ensure the group members are prayerful and pious. Their interactions if unholy could make one sinful.

Performing Umrah once is not enough; in fact one should strive to perform it multiple times in life. The outcome would be the fulfillment of living in Allah’s presence. The individual will be highly graced with blessings and virtues that are transformative in nature.

We at Al Khalid have settled on various kinds of packages as you travel for Umrah. Keeping in mind your convenience and budgetary concerns. As you travel on a journey for blessings of a lifetime, we are blessed to have the opportunity to assist and take you through.


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