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Devout Muslims all over the world keenly accomplish their one desire of absolute submission to Allah. Performing Umrah is considered a fulfillment of one of the pillars of Islam. It is the most sacred undertaking for our Muslim brothers and sisters – A pilgrimage uniting the creation with its creator.
Ihram is a sacred state entered by Muslims as they progress on a pilgrimage to Umrah. One of the many necessary rituals after entering the state of Ihram is wearing the prescribed attire. For which, men and women accordingly defer. On attaining a state of complete spiritual purity known as Ihram, it expects the individual to be pure in mind and in body.
To achieve this sanctity in nature and consistently reside in that zone, a number of dos and don’ts must be adhered to. One mustn’t cut hair or nails incase if hair falls off unknowingly then it is excused. Wearing perfume over the body and clothes is prohibited. Engaging in sexual relations with one’s spouse is also forbidden.
These are a few restrictions to obey in an effort to secure Ihram while on pilgrimage to Hajj and Umrah.